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IAEM Bulletin

Jun 8, 2022
IAEM Bulletin
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Government-Enterprise Cooperation Achieves Win-Win for IAEM-Asia Council
By Tom He and Victor Bai, CEM
AEM-Asia Council held its second Annual Meeting on June 17, 2014, in cooperation with Shanghai Administration Institute, Shanghai, China. The seminar focused on metropolitan emergency management and public security. Fifteen professors and experts from government agencies, universities, companies, and nonprofits presented the latest methodology on public security and emergency management in various fields.

The director of UNAPCICT, Ms. RHE Hyeun-Suk, provided a video greeting for this event, which was followed by a message from Clay Tyeryar, IAEM Deputy Executive Director and Staff Liaison for International Outreach. Mr. Tan Weiyong, EM Section Chief, Shanghai Emergency Management Office, delivered the keynote address after the opening ceremony. Mr. Tim Loh from UNAPCICT delivered disaster risk reduction training in a Chinese edition, which is a key milestone achieved as result of cooperation between UNAPCICT and IAEM-Asia.

Victor Bai, CEM, IAEM-Asia Council President, facilitated a session that included several IAEM members who shared how IAEM membership and the CEM® Program had inspired them to continue to learn more about emergency management as they worked toward certification.

During the ASIS session, Greg Rumney and Marcel Groeneveld led a presentation on the topic of the large corporate approach to crisis management, with experience shared from Disney and IBM. Rony Yu, from Pinkerton, presented on the topic of emergency planning, crisis management, and after investigation.

Many attendees expressed interest in the CEM® Program, although more are looking for an entry-level or mid-level certification. IAEM-Asia Council members were encouraged by the attendance of local emergency management officers from Sichuan, who traveled to attend the IAEM-Asia Annual Meeting to learn about the U.S. Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Program, with Tom He’s coordination. This program will be kicked off soon for their community response capability build-up.

For the latest news from IAEM-Asia, visit the council’s home page at
IAEM-Asia members watch a welcome message video from the director of UNAPCICT, Ms. Rhe Hyeun-Suk. There was a great turnout for the IAEM-Asia Council’s 2014 Annual Meeting in Shanghai, China.
Pictured here are some of the IAEM-Asia Council members who attended the Annual Meeting.
IAEM Deputy Executive Director and Liaison for International Outreach, Clay Tyeryar, MAM, CAE, spoke on IAEM’s mission and member benefits.
Mr. Tim Loh from UNAPCICT delivered disaster risk reduction training in a Chinese edition, which is a key milestone achieved as a result of cooperation between UNAPCICT and IAEM-Asia.
Left to right: Tswen-Ju Gu, IAEM-Asia National Representative for China Taiwan; Clay Tyeryar, IAEM Deputy Executive Director; and Netty E. Komattu, IAEM-Asia Council Secretary.

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